Trip 1994 - 1997

Our last longer motorcycle tour started in October 1994 at Home in Switzerland. The Road took us North to Delfzil in Holland and from there on a freigth ship eventually to North America. We explored the USA and Canada before and then shipped the bikes to Australia. We spent a wonderful year in Australia and then headed North through Indoneisa, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. There the money ran out and we returned home.

During the trip we made our first attemps with keeping a Web-Journal. We started doing this in Adelaide. So the first complete account of our travel starts there. Then they stop just before we left Australia, since Internet Acces in South-East Asia was somewhat limited. So without further ado, we give you our archives......





February to March 1996

Purnululu to Kings Canyon

July to August 1996

Adelaide to Perth

March 1996

Kings Canyon to Cairns

August 1996


April to May 1996

Cairns to Cape York & back

September 1996

Perth to Port Headland

June to July 1996

Cairns to Sydney

September to December 1996

Port Headland to Purnululu

July 1996



All Material is ©2010 by Khim Rojas and Fernweh Adventures