
10.2006 - 02.2007

- Updated journal, pictures, tracks, links, miscellaneous, maintenance, formalities, as well as correcting a number of minor errors in archived material.

- changed index page to reflect new situation

23-25.06.2006 - Updated journals for Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt
16-18.06.2006 - updated pictures, journal, tracks, main pages, as well as a number of small changes to various index pages.
12.06.2006 - updated the movies page

- updated movies page

- toys & entertainment

- added formalities index page, and modified mainframeset.


- added animated flags to camping index

- modifed journal index to only show dates from and to for each index page

- Modified all picture pages to use an index page for better overview.

- modified added links to links page

- updated camping pages, adding libya, egypt and jordan

24.05.2006 - Created a blog entry so that we can add text quickly. For those not familiar with blogs, it is a mostly text only site which we update more often with text data which we eventually incorporate into the main web site. A direct link has been added to the main entry page.
02.04.2006 - updating tracks for Tunisia
31.03.2006 - updated Maintenance: General, finished updating Equipment: Camping, updated Maintenace: BMW II, Added Camping: Tunisia, changed the miscellaneous index page, expanded some text in the FAQ
30.03.2006 - updated Equipment: Camping, Miscellaneous: Books, started April journal, 11th to 30th march.


- Changed journal index, worked on Technical travel preparations, adding pics.


- Fixed some various spelling errors in the journal. Changed Camping Index


- Finished the journal upto leaving Morocco, added and finished, tracks, camping spots, and camping life pages. Fixed a lot of missing links and general overhaul of data.


- more updates to the Journal, Pictures, FAQ, Maintenance General,


- updated the FAQ, BMW II Maintenance, Camping Life


- updated the Journal


- new editor, templates and standards (internal).

- changed, internal structure of files, folders

- modified / added, miscellaneous

- updated tracks, new structure

- created links page

- reworked journal, removed lists

- renamed, pages and links to make it more consistant.









All Material is ©2010 by Khim Rojas and Fernweh Adventures