We would like to dedicate this page to people and companies that have helped us. We would like to mention that we are not "sponsored"* by any company or individual. (Although if someone wanted to give us money or equipment free of charge, please feel free to contact us and we will change the wording on this page.) For additional links to people and or companies from which we purchase goods and services or have used as references please see: Links
Carla Cattomio | Carla was very helpful in getting this web-page going. Since Cecilia was new to Web-Design she took time off her busy schedule and showed her the basics. This help immensely in getting this web-page going. |
Felder & Fry Töff Garage | These guys are great, always there when you need them, and they do great work. As on the first trip, I again spent a month here overhauling my bikes, and in the end got a very reasonable bill. Thanks Urs, Petra, Marcel, Marco |
Everyware e-Communications | Had a lot to do with these guys when I was a "working stiff". Very competent and professional. They also volunteered to host my pages, for which we are very grateful, thanks Thomas and Kurt. |
Eric Demant | Eric and I have known each other more than 20 years, and he knows more about the boxes bmw's than any 10 other guys I know. Best of all he will very gladly dispense his knowledge freely and competently. Thanks Eric. |
Meinrad Schnüriger | Meinrad (and Maria) have always been very supportive in our endeavors, and while on the road, Meinrad, is taking care of our back office, without which we could not travel with the confidence and as carefree as we do. |
Peter Römer (Römer Team) | Peter Römer and his son have provided some very valuable support and are always ready with great advice. The boxes they built for the first trip are still as good as new. |
* Not Sponsored, as in "we have not solicited help and or funds in return for services". Anyone who has helped or provided us with help or services has done so without expecting any thing in return. Thanks all.
All Material is ©2010 by Khim Rojas and Fernweh Adventures