Entertainment Equipment

This is a listing of the toys and entertainment equipment which we have and those which we have had to discard or replace along the way. We are, by the way, not sponsored or otherwised supported by any of the manufacturers, and these are simply the things we wanted to take with us. No endorsment of any product should be assumed or is implied.

Music: Apple I-Pod 60Gb x2 (Altec Lansing I-pod speakers)IPod and speaker

I could not imagine leaving home without my trusty I-Pod, I need my music and I need it now. These have been great, I have my whole collection of Bruce Springsteen on both so that in case I need to listen to something (the rest of my music colection is split up betwen the two), Cecilia can still listen to the boss when she wants to.


Computer: Dell Inspiron 8200 + Maxtor 250gb External HDLaptop and hd

I have had this computer now for a number of years and it continues to function no matter what I do to it. We figured that we would take it with us and when it crashed replace it, rather than get a new one before we started. It has been 6 months are it is going strong. The external HD is our backup solution as well as the reservoir for a lot junk that I just can't bring myself to, well, junk.

SW Radio: Sony ICF-SW100

Many world travelers like to hear news from home occasionally. We are no exception. To this end we carry a short wave radio and listen to Swiss Radio International every chance we get. When we can't get it we go for BBC or even VOA to keep up with what is going on in the world. On many occasions we gone for months without seeing a TV or newspaper and only have kept up with the worlds news via our radio. This particular model is fantastic, it uses programmable cards, which are set to the frequency of a particular sender. I have cards for SRI, BBC, VOA and a couple of others I keep various frequencies on. This eliminates the hassle of trying to find a particular frequency. Pop the card in and try them all until one comes in. Most stations transmit on different frequencies during the day or night so I have simply programmed all the frequency a particular stations uses onto a single card. Techno Geek indeed.

Organizer: Palm Tungsten T3

We bought our first pda back in Singapore in 1997. For this trip we chose to take our Tungsten with us although it is not really well suited for travelling. The main problem is that the batteries are not changeable. Nevertheless, we are very happy with it and we keep all our infos on it for quick reference.

GPS: Garmin 60CS, and Garmin 276C Garmins

On the last trip, I had the Sony Pixis system with me, how times have changed. The pixis had a two line display which showed the coordinates, that was all. The new mapping gps are the bees knees as they say. Cecilia uses the 276C which has a larger display as she is the one navigating. I have the 60CS which we purchased as a backup and to use for hiking as it is smaller and handier that the larger 276C. Both run the same set of maps (Garmin was generous enough to allow two units to use the same maps so I didn't have to buy additional licenses when purchasing the second unit.) The 276C is a unit specially modified by Touratech for Motorcycle use and neither unit have had any problems.

The main issue with the mapping gps units is that as soon as you get outside Europe the routing functionality is pretty much lost, as the manufacturer has no real detailed maps of anything else. But the world map works fine for us as we tend to stay on major roads. And of course we also carry paper maps for the overview they provide.

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All Material is ©2010 by Khim Rojas and Fernweh Adventures